

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

curriculum vitae

Name                             : Ira wulandari
Nick Name                     : Rara
Age                                 : 18 years old
Place and date of brith     : Metro,12 june 1993
Address                          : jalan kesmo 29 Sukoharjo
Religion                           : Moeslem
Nationality                       : Indonesian
Sex                                 : Female
Marrital Status                 : Single
Height / Weight                : 155 cm /50 kg
Phone                              : 089673328306
E-mail                               :
Education                          : Elementari School at SD NEGRI 02 METRO PUSAT (2000-2005)
                                          Junior High School at SMP NEGRI 03 JATISRONO ( 2006-2009)
                                        Vocational High School at SMK TUNAS BANGSA TAWANGSARI(2010-2012) 
Certificate                        :SURVIVAL KEMAH BAKTI VIII 2010 KWATIR CABANG 11.11       SUKOHARJO is held by Polokarto (19-21 februrai 2010)
                                        HOW TO START SEMINAR and TRAINING of PRESENTER is held by STP SAHID SURAKARTA ( 26 september 2010)
                                        Forum Komunikasi Wartawan Sukoharjo is held by Dinas Pendidikan Sukoharjo (26 februari 2011)
                                         Pelatihan Pembuatan Animasi is held by UNS Surakarta (26 july 2011)

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